Wednesday, January 7, 2009

3 in a row!

SOOOOOOoooo I almost didn't make it to the gym tonight. My legs hurt with every step I took today; it didn't help that I slept in and got to work late so I had to park way back at the end of the parking lot. In the afternoon I was sitting at my desk and I thought I was having a heart attack because I had chest pains.... then I remembered benching yesterday. By the time I got home I was tired and sore and just a tad bit grumpy. I was making lots of hints that i did not want to go to the gym and I was just waiting for Scott to fold and say lets not go because I didn't want to be the one to say it. Well finally at 8:00 he convinced me to get my fat, lazy butt to get up and go and I was already thanking him for making me go five minutes after we got there. Thanks again Scottie so Hottie!

Cardio 10 minutes on the elliptical going alternating between one intense minute at level 13 and and one recovery minute at level 6. Try it.... 10 minutes may sound like a piece of cake but when you do intervals and push during those hard minutes it makes a world of difference!

Weights-- Planet Fitness has a 30 minute weight circuit with cardio boxes in between each one. We got a full body weight work out and did all kinds of jumping, lunging, squatting, stepping, hopping, and dipping in between. I was very nasty and sweaty which in my book equals a good work out. I highly recommend trying one of these cicuits if you gym has one or you can make your own my planning a workout routine with cardio in between.

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